Downstate reactions to Roe's fall: Some celebrate, others grieve and protest

Those gathered Friday included women who fought for legalized abortion before Roe v. Wade. Photo courtesy of Delaware NOW

The political earthquake happened Friday, and reactions were swift.

The possibility once seemed remote that Roe v. Wade, the Supreme Court decision laying out a nationwide right to abortion, would ever be overturned. But Friday morning news broke that the Supreme Court had done just that.

In southern Delaware, some gathered at Soroptomist Park in Seaford, holding signs like "My body, my choice," and "We will not go back." It was billed as a demonstration of unity against the Court's decision, a time to mourn, and the beginning of a summer of rage. The event was hosted by the Delaware chapter of the National Organization for Women.

"It's hard to find words to express the pain and disappointment the board and members of Delaware NOW are feeling after reading the Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health decision," Delaware NOW president Melissa Froemming said in a statement. She pledged they would continue to work for abortion access with every opportunity.

Others celebrated a decision they had spent years hoping and fighting for.

"This is a tremendous victory for unborn children and their mothers," Nicole Theis, president of the Delaware Family Policy Council, said in a statement. "States can now affirm without restraint that life is a human right, and ensure that women have greater access to the support and resources they need and deserve."

Theis also alluded to upcoming activism, saying, "We look forward to a reenergized fight to restore a culture of life to The First State."

Protesters rally in Delaware against abortion at a June 7 event. 

Sen. Bryant Richardson, who represents the Seaford area, applauded the justices in a statement. "50 years of prayers were answered this morning when the U.S. Supreme Court finally overturned Roe V. Wade. This is a major victory for life," he said.  

Delaware is one of the states where abortion remains legal, but as the dueling statements indicate, Dobbs seems likely to become a milestone in an ongoing, and perhaps even intensified fight.


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