How you can power local news

How does the Independent get the money to cover local news in southern Delaware?

We depend on readers who have signed up for paid subscriptions.

Producing quality news takes time and money. Fortunately, every community has people who care about where they live and are curious about what’s happening there. If enough of those people chip in a small amount each month, it can power journalism that focuses on local stories.

We need you. If you enjoy reading the Independent and value the local news we report, please consider joining the team today as a paying member. For only $5 a month, you can play a key role in the future of local news where you live – and maybe help inspire a grassroots news movement in other places too.

We think that’s $5 well spent, and we hope you do too. Here’s how to sign up.  


Woodbridge will add armed guards in the wake of Uvalde


Greenwood looks to attract more police officers, other local news