Greenwood police chief resigns

By Andrew Sharp

Greenwood's town council meeting had a surprise ending on Wednesday night: After going into executive session, the council returned briefly to vote to advertise to fill the vacant position of chief of police for the town. The town had not previously announced that Chief Brent Raughley was no longer serving.

Greenwood Mayor Donald Donovan did not offer more information after the meeting except to confirm that this reporter had heard correctly.

Shelley Lambden, accreditation manager and administrative assistant for the Greenwood Police Department, confirmed in an email that Raughley had resigned Nov. 16, and that Sgt. J.P. Cullen is the current officer in charge. She said Raughley had accepted a position at another department.

Raughley was at the town's Nov. 10 council meeting, and also at a special meeting Nov. 16, the day of his resignation, when the town adopted a budget for next year.

The town is facing a budget shortfall, and next year's budget adds a part-time officer position but does not include a cost of living raise for officers.

Raughley had served as chief since April 2017.


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